B.A.,M.ED. (English) Director & Trustee Shikshan Maharshi Dr. D. Y. Patil Shikshan Sanstha Bud’s International values the right of every individual to realize his or her potential through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values & caring supportive environment. I believe …
(President of Shikshan Maharshi Dr. D. Y. Patil Shikshan Sanstha) BUDS International School aims in imparting Quality education to children as we believe that school is a foundation where moral & ethical standards should be inculcated among children. We at …
Founder President of Shikshan Maharshi Dr. D. Y. Patil Shikshan Sanstha,Pune) Bud’s International values the right of every individual to realize his or her potential through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values & caring supportive environment. I believe in upholding …

(Ex.Governer. Bihar,Tripura,West Bengal) I believe in developing responsible citizenship and social responsibility by percept and example. We provide a friendly and supportive environment that not only enhance the self-esteem of each individual but also challenges each to develop understanding skills, …